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My Teaching Philosophy... Philosophy

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Photo: Reason & Rational Decision Making (Online)

Education is for Everyone

Check out my YouTube Channel with all of my lectures free and open to the public: [Here]

The full suite of my teaching evaluation data is available [Here]

I design my courses around a simple principle: inspired work is the best work where educational enrichment is best achieved.  When students are empowered to learn as they are most well-suited and invited to be creatively inspired - they flourish.  To this end, my classes are structured like a game where points are earned as percentages of one’s grade, and students are invited to ‘choose their own adventure’ in how they earn those points. Points are not zero-sum and students are always able to recover and earn the grade they deserve, as well as to exceed expectations and thrive. Inspired by the Universal Design method, every student is encouraged to find and follow their most ideal path to educational enrichment through the course content and they are empowered to engage with the material when and how they are most inspired. Students are especially encouraged to engage with their major’s course of study and implement philosophy into those practices creatively. Students have created art, dance performances, novel chapters, philosophy essays, research grants, video essays and more through this program. Most importantly, diverse inclusion of students and ideas is highlighted through this program. There is no ’right formula’ through which standardized education disinvites equitable solutions for students who do not fit a traditional mold. Students create their own mold and share in the creative processes of their fellows.  I am always experimenting with my strategies and course design to achieve these goals, and hope that these experiments might help other teachers and course designers. To this end, my syllabi and some selected lectures are available below.

Primary Course Instructor

World Religions (Continuing Ed.), 3460

University of Utah, Summer 2023

Syllabus [Here]

Existentialism, 3810

University of Utah, Summer 2021, 2022

Link to Video Lectures [Here]

Syllabus [Here]

Introduction to Philosophy, 1000

University of Utah, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Spring 2022

Link to Video Lectures [Here]

Syllabus [Here]

Theories of Knowledge, 3300

University of Utah, Spring 2020

Syllabus [Here]

Reason & Rational Decision Making (Online), 1250

University of Utah, Summer 2019; 2020

Syllabus [Here]

Co-Teaching & TA

University of Utah, Spring 2021

Cognitive Science

University of Utah, Spring 2019

Mind, Language, & Reality

University of Utah, Fall 2018

Introduction to Philosophy

University of Utah, Spring 2018

Reason & Rational Decision Making

Introduction to Logic

University of Oklahoma, 2014-2016 (3 sections)

© 2024 Spencer Ivy

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