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Philosophy & Science

Spencer Ivy Teaches Philosophy [Here]

My Youtube page for all teaching & class uploads.


Philosophy at the University of Utah [Here]

My current academic home.


PhilPeople Page [Here]


Society for Philosophy & Psychology [Here]

An important interdisciplinary community for researchers of all fields concerned with cognitive science.


Applied Visual Attention Lab at the University of Utah [Here]

The Psych. Lab I am embedded in as resident philosopher & researcher. We study expertise through eye tracking & attention.


University of Oklahoma Philosophy [Here]

My previous academic home.

Global Activism

CIPER Academico [Here]

A source for independent Chilean opinions and research to aid in constitutional reform.


Global Voices [Here]

"Global Voices is an international, multilingual, primarily volunteer community of writers, translators, academics, and human rights activists."



ISO50 [Here]

This is one of my favorite nooks of the internet. It is the personal blog of my favorite music producer and graphic artist - Tycho.  You'll find all sorts of lovely personality, art, and music here. Enjoy!


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